Scriptural references for:
Encourage one another in the faith
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©08/25/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
August 25

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Encourage one another in the faith.
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Instead of trying correcting one another; seek to confirm and strengthen the faith that is already in the hearts of your fellow Christians.
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In general you do not need to plant the seed of faith in the hearts of your brethren; God has done that already by His Holy Spirit.
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Faith is a fruit of the Spirit; it is born of God and not of the will of man.
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Let us then bring the regenerating and life giving water of God's words of inspiration to the lives of our Christian Brethren.
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Let us seek to water the garden of faith planted in the hearts of men by the Master sower, Jesus Christ.
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Brethren, we did not begin the work of God; we can only enter into the labor that is already begun.
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