Scriptural references for:
Let your thoughts be stayed on God
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©12/14/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
December 14

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Take no thought for what you shall eat, or for what you shall wear nor for any provision whatsoever that you may need; because our Father which is in Heaven knows what you have need of before you ask.
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Instead of wasting your mental energy sitting around worrying about your earthly provisions or lack thereof; repent and begin to obey that part of the greatest commandment that few people obey where it says, to love God with all your mind.
(Scripture references under construction)

Let your thoughts be stayed on God and His coming Kingdom instead of your earthly possessions.
(Scripture references under construction)

This is what is meant by loving God with all your mind.
(Scripture references under construction)