Abounding in Christ July 03 of Abounding in Christ

Walk in the bright light of faith

Bear up in the face of adversity and let not fear overcome you in the time of trouble; for at the heart of every fear and adversity, God has placed a hidden treasure that can only be uncovered by the trial of your faith.

The greater the challenge we face; the greater the victory will be when with God's help and guidance we do overcome the world.

Who is he who overcomes the world; but he who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.

Brethren, if you can believe, all things are possible; because with God nothing is impossible.

Let us than walk in the bright light of faith.
 ©07/03/2002 Jim Welch

Original URL:  http://abounding.seranates.com