Infinite things lay in store in Heaven

Infinite things lay in store in Heaven in the future for all who believe in Christ the Lord.

We who believe in Christ the Lord are about to embark on an infinite journey for all eternity into the vast Kingdom of Heaven.

We will become joint-heirs with Jesus Christ of Heaven's untold riches and we will reign with Him forever. Amen!

Let us than rejoice daily in the knowledge of such a great hope of glory and let our hearts sing for joy.

Jesus Christ by his death on the cross his purchased for us a hope so great and a salvation so sure. Amen!

Let us than give thanks unto the Lord from whom all blessings flow and by whom we have been given everlasting salvation. Amen!

Jesus Christ died that we may live and His resurrection proves He is the resurrection and the life.

©03/30/2002 Jim Welch
March 30

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