Scriptural references for:
Giving to God your all in all
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©05/20/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
May 20

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Set your heart and mind; yea your whole being, to serving the Lord.
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Commit your whole life and all your resources to Christ; holding back nothing; giving to God your all in all.
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For this is our reasonable service to God; because all that we are and all that we shall ever be is from God, by God, and for God.
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A half way committed person is not committed at all; for he has yet to finish making up his mind and still is in the valley of decision.
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Decide this day whom you shall serve, God or your own selfish interests?
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But before you decide, ask yourself this simple question; can you raise yourself from the dead and give to yourself by your own efforts everlasting life?
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God can!
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Choose this day and everyday from now and forever to serve the Lord with your whole life. Amen.
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