Scriptural references for:
With Christ all things are possible
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©04/19/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
April 19

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Life without Christ is a defeated life that ends in tragedy, a hopeless venture into outer darkness.
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With Christ all things are possible and through Christ we can do all things.
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Christ is the answer, the key to salvation and the power of God that purges us from all our sins.
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With Christ all things are possible and without Christ life is one continuous series of failures and defeats.
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Christ is the answer and Christ is the victory that overcomes the world.
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All power in Heaven and the earth is given to Jesus Christ and with Christ all things are possible and nothing is impossible.
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My hope is in Christ and my salvation has been sealed by His blood and my redemption by His death on the cross of Calvary.
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Let us than put our whole trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation and our redemption. Amen.
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