Scriptural references for:
Put your whole trust in Jesus Christ
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©04/24/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
April 24

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With Christ on our side who can oppose us; for Christ has all power in Heaven and the earth and there isn't anyone who is able to defeat him.
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In Christ, I can do all things; heal the sick, raise the dead; cast out evil spirits; be purged of all my sins; commune with God the Father; be taught all things by the Holy Ghost; abound in visions and revelations; and be saved for all eternity.
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With Christ everything and all things are possible; with Him nothing is ever impossible.
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Brethren, put your whole trust in Jesus Christ; place your whole life into His hands and rely upon Him for all things.
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He is able to keep you and He is able to give unto you everlasting and eternal life. Hallelujah! Amen!
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