Scriptural references for:
God, Himself, shall descend with a shout
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©08/12/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
August 12

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

God, Himself, shall descend with a shout; He shall roar like a lion; like the thunder when it rolls; the ground shall shake and the earth will quake.
(Scripture references under construction)

Awake, Awake; Arise from the dust of the earth and put on strength, Oh arm of the Lord.
(Scripture references under construction)

The dead in Christ shall arise from their long sleep, and from the deep; from the four winds and ascend, with God into Heaven's everlasting glory.
(Scripture references under construction)

This is our hope, this is our stay; when God shall gather all of His children from the face of the whole earth on that last day.
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Break forth with hearts filled with hope and joy, into singing; like the song of birds and the toll of many bells ringing.
(Scripture references under construction)