Scriptural references for:
Continuously purge your life from sin
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©08/17/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
August 17

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Et sic de similibus references:

Towards God keep pressing in, and continuously purge your life from sin.
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Sin so easily besets our race for the high calling of God and defeats all our spiritual goals; continuously purge your life from sin.
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For this cause many are sick among us and many do sleep because of SIN; continuously purge your life from sin.
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Some sins are spiritual, hate, doubt and strife; some sins are mental, lies, hypocrisy and false beliefs; some sins are physical, sexual lust and drunkenness; continuously purge your life from sin.
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Sin is anything that exists in your life that is in conflict with the will of God, continuously pure your life from sin. Amen.
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