Scriptural references for:
By the grace of Jesus Christ we began the journey
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©08/24/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
August 24

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Do not let pride prevent you from correcting the errors in your life; do not think of yourself more highly than you think of others.
(Scripture references under construction)

Be not arrogant or overbearing when you interact with your neighbors, friends and family.
(Scripture references under construction)

Although God is superior to all others in all ways, we are not.
(Scripture references under construction)

Having been purged of our sins and restored to right relationship with God by the grace of Jesus Christ; we must always remember that we did not escape the grips of the miry clay of sin by our own strength but by the strength of Christ.
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Although by the grace of Jesus Christ we began the journey on the road to perfection; none of us will be perfect until the day of the resurrection.
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