Scriptural references for:
Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
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©08/26/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
August 26

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Et sic de similibus references:

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things when the Spirit of the Lord guides them.
(Scripture references under construction)

They who wait upon the Lord, though being lowly and meek, shall mount up with wings like eagles and soar to heights that no one has ever reached before; they shall run and not be faint.
(Scripture references under construction)

Jesus took ordinary fishermen, uneducated and unlearned, and anointed them with the power of God's Holy Spirit; transforming them into apostles of light who went forth and lived such extraordinary lives, that the annals of time still reverberate from the effects of their influence.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, let us place our lives, without fear or trepidation, into the hands of Jesus and let him transform our lives into the extraordinary.
(Scripture references under construction)