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©12/05/2002 Jim Welch Scriptural references for: December 05 Verbatim references: None They who center their lives on truth will be
known as men of truth; but they who center their lives on lies will be
known to be liars. The only person who is deceived by a liar is
the liar himself; nearly everybody else knows he is a
liar. Jesus said, There is nothing concealed that
will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known.
For what you have said in darkness will be said in the light; and what
you have whispered in the inner chambers will be preached on the
housetops. Brethren, be not deceived. If you do evil you will be known to others as
an evil doer; but if you live a holy and sanctified life you will be
known to others as holy. Your chickens will always come home to
roost. |