Scriptural references for:
Gather around all ye little children and hear
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©12/22/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
December 22

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Gather around all ye little children and hear.
(Scripture references under construction)

I will tell you a story about a precious man so dear.
(Scripture references under construction)

He was born to a carpenter's wife in a hillside cave used for a stable.
(Scripture references under construction)

He came into this world to give us life of this task, He is more then able.
(Scripture references under construction)

The cows were lowing and the sheep were bleating while outside it was snowing.
(Scripture references under construction)

It was by candlelight in the darkness of night.
(Scripture references under construction)

Of such humble beginnings was He.
(Scripture references under construction)

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords to be.
(Scripture references under construction)

He came into a world in a dark spiritual state.
(Scripture references under construction)

A world filled everywhere with bitterness and hate.
(Scripture references under construction)

He brought with Him a bounty of love, carried with Him down from His Father above.
(Scripture references under construction)