Scriptural references for:
Our God is God; the Living God
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©12/27/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
December 27

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Our God is God; the Living God; the God of the Heavens and the Earth; the Creator of all things; the Bringer of life.
(Scripture references under construction)

Let us worship Him, who has made us; the Lover of our souls; the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End; the Provider of all things; the Cause of all causes.
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With His Right Hand, He has stretched out the universe and filled it with galaxies full of stars surrounded by diverse planets; no two which are alike; what awesome wonders has His Hands made; wonders which far exceed our wildest imaginations so that the vast ocean of truth is far stranger than fiction.
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Who is like unto Him; for there is none other but He for He alone is God.
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(Scripture references under construction)