![]() Eternity hangs in the balance Eternity hangs in the balance and where you will spend it is yet to be determined by your own actions in this life. Every deed, every action you do and every word you write or speak is used by God to make the determination of your eternal destiny. Whether you, give or withhold, believe or doubt, love or hate, labor in God's vineyard or labor for your own selfish aims; all are used by God in the scales of judgment to determine your place in eternity. Brethren, will God say when He sees you, Well done good and faithful servant; because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many; enter into the joy of thy Master. (Matthew 25:21) Or will He cast you into outer darkness where there will be weeping
and the gnashing of teeth? Original URL: http://abounding.seranates.com |