Scriptural references for:
Commit your whole life to Jesus Christ
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©02/23/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
February 23

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Lest at anytime you would stray from the mark of the high calling of God and fall into disgrace; seek to live a holy life according to the principles of Christ in all that you do, at all times, in all places under all circumstances.
(Scripture references under construction)

Hold back nothing in your life from the purifying power of Christ.
(Scripture references under construction)

Do not be half committed to Christ and half committed to doing evil.
Be not double minded, one who is neither hot or cold but is lukewarm, serving two masters and hating both.

(Scripture references under construction)

Commit your whole life to Jesus Christ and to our Father who dwells in Heaven without reservation or hesitation, holding back nothing.
(Scripture references under construction)

Let not anyone who wavers in his commitment to Christ think he will receive any favor from God.
(Scripture references under construction)

He who wavers in his faith is like a wave tossed in the sea.
(Scripture references under construction)