Scriptural references for:
God is always far greater than our perspectives of Him
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©1/24/2003 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
January 24

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Et sic de similibus references:

Let us rise from our spiritual slumber and shine with dawn's early light of peaceful and joyful love mingled with a generous portion of wisdom and understanding accompanied by a whole lot of faith and hope.
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Let us go forward in our quest to serve the Lord with gladness; by forgiving and forgetting the things past, by not being troubled, fearful and anxious about things to come.
(Scripture references under construction)

Let us greet all men with the right hand of friendship, especially our fellow Christian brethren who may see our God and our precious Savior from a different perspective than we do; for the more perspectives there are of God the greater will be His glory.
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Let us then be willing to broaden our perspective of God daily and constantly reminding ourselves that God is always far greater than our perspectives of Him.
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