Scriptural references for:
What you do today for Jesus will last
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©1/31/2003 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
January 31

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Take one day at a time; forgiving and forgetting the things that are past; being not anxious and filled with worrisome thoughts of things to come.
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The past you cannot change and the future you cannot know; all you can do is do today's labor and do it well.
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What you do today for Jesus will last; what you do for personal gain will pass.
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Come, let us join in with the host of Heaven and serve the Lord with gladness, laboring with a song of joy in our hearts and a melody of peace in our minds.
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Let us go forth laboring in the Lord's fields of harvest with our hearts overflowing with love; our lives guided by the Spirit of wisdom and understanding and the power of Christ going on before.
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(Scripture references under construction)