Scriptural references for:
Treasures in Heaven
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Flowers in Roseville
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©07/04/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
July 04

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Labor not for the things that perish; here today, but gone tomorrow and forever lost.
(Scripture references under construction)

We earn money, only to put it into bags filled with holes; anon, before we know it the money is all gone with nothing to show for it, but memories of pain and misery.
(Scripture references under construction)

Let us than lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven where time will not destroy, nor thieves break in and steal; nor moth or rust corrupt; nor diminish in value through all time.
(Scripture references under construction)

Where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.
(Scripture references under construction)

If your treasure is in Heaven, Heaven shall be in your heart; drinking of the fountain of joy and the river of everlasting peace; feasting of the manna from Heaven.
(Scripture references under construction)