Scriptural references for:
Into Thy Presence I will come
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©07/20/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
July 20

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Into Thy Presence I will come; when evening shadows do stretch to far horizons and the brightness of the sun has grown dim; when the darkness of night envelops the face of the whole earth and the light of day no longer shines; into Thy Presence I will come.
(Scripture references under construction)

When wickedness pervades throughout all the lands and the Light of truth ceases to shine; when joy is replaced by sadness and love is decimated by hate; when corrupters do rule and the poor are oppressed; into Thy Presence I will come.
(Scripture references under construction)

When laughter is replaced by weeping and singing turns into mourning; when all hope seems to be done and suffering encompasses the face of the whole earth; into Thy Presence I will come, Oh Lord. Amen.
(Scripture references under construction)