Scriptural references for:
Holiness than is obedience to the will of God
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©06/01/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
June 02

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Holiness is not an accident of nature, nor is it something we were predestined to be; holiness comes from God to us in response to our willingness to do things God's way and not our own.
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A person who does things his own way and not according to God's will is in a state of rebellion against God.
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Rebellion against God can hardly be called holiness.
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Holiness than is obedience to the will of God; the more obedient to the will of God we are, the more holy we become.
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Mary, the Mother of Jesus, whom all Christians call Blessed (ie. holy) taught us all how to be holy when she said, Whatsoever He (Jesus) sayeth unto you, do it.
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Let us than, take to our heart the advice of the Blessed Virgin, Mary, the Mother of Christ, and do all that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Word of God made flesh, has commanded us to do.
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Love one another, etc. Amen!
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