Scriptural references for:
Many are called by God but few are chosen
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©03/04/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
March 04

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

The Kingdom of God is given to a people yielding its fruits.
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If a person bears fruit in and for the Kingdom of God, then God, Himself, will purify that person's life enabling him to bear more fruit.
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But if a person bears no fruit for the Kingdom of God, then God, Himself, will take away that person's portion in the Kingdom of God and it will be given to another.
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Many are called by God but few are chosen.
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I show you a mystery, we are purified by God after we begin to bear fruit, not before.
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If we wait for God to purify us before we begin to serve Him, He never will.
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But if we begin to serve God while yet being impure we will be made pure.
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This is what is meant by the parable, he who is faithful in the little shall be entrusted with much.
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Brethren, what prevents you from serving God.
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