Scriptural references for:
Our spirit is born of God's Spirit
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©03/06/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
March 06

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

Except a person is born of God, (born of the Spirit) he cannot comprehend or understand the things of God or enter by his spirit into Heavenly places.
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For God the Father is Spirit and all who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
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When you were born of your earthly parents you were born of flesh, body and soul.
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When you were born of your Father in Heaven you were born in the Spirit, like Eve was born of Adam's flesh, even so our spirit is born of God's Spirit, therefore we become God's children.
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That which is born of the flesh remains and is in conflict with our newborn spirit.
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But that which is born of the flesh shall soon pass away and that which is born of the Spirit shall remain forever.
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Brethren, all who are born of God have already passed from death unto life.
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