March 23 of Abounding in Christ
Pay heed to the testimony of Jesus Christ Turn your hearts and minds back to Jesus and let the words of Christ be the foundation of your faith. For God has laid in Zion a foundation, a sure foundation, the chief corner stone, a solid rock, the Rock of Salvation; the words of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Amen! The law was given to mankind by Moses from God; but the power of God to purify our lives (grace) was given to mankind by God through the testimony of Jesus Christ, His words sealed by the blood, by which we are now able to live holy and sanctified lives, purged of all sin. Let us than pay heed to the testimony of Jesus Christ, not just
being hearers of His words, but doers of His words, for His words have
the power of God to bring salvation to us and are able to present us to
the Father without spot. Original URL: |