In the place of doubt; let us believe and have faith.
In the place of hatred and cruelty; let us walk with love and have
In the place of despair and sadness; let us walk the pathway of hope
and be filled with joy.
When many begin to turn away from God and seek for selfish earthly
gain; let us draw ever nearer to God and seek the Kingdom of Heaven
with even more enthusiasm and zeal.
When many begin to be lifted up with pride, arrogance, bigotry and
prejudices; let us walk instead with meekness being lowly of mind and
learn to appreciate and respect the ideas and beliefs of others with
the patience born of kind heartedness.
Let us be quick to forgive when offended and let us learn to
overlook the short comings in others people's lives; then God will
forgive us and overlook the shortcomings of our lives.