Scriptural references for:
Great things are in store for us
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©11/12/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
November 12

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

We can focus our minds either on the things of the past, the things of the present or the things of the future.
(Scripture references under construction)

A positive attitude about the things of the future is called hope.
A positive attitude about the things of the present is called faith.
A positive attitude about the things of the past is called love.

(Scripture references under construction)

Love is the sum of all the positive things that we have already assimilated.
Faith is the sum of all the positive things that we are assimilating.
Hope is the sum of all the positive things that will be assimilated.

(Scripture references under construction)

Of the three; past, present or future; the positive things we will assimilate in the future will eclipse by far all the positives things of the past and the present.
(Scripture references under construction)

Therefore, of the three, love, faith and hope; hope has the greatest potential.
(Scripture references under construction)

Great things are in store for us.
(Scripture references under construction)