Scriptural references for:
God, He is always there
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in the Lexington Hamline area
of Saint Paul Minnesota
©10/06/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
October 06

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

During times of great stress when problems seem to be everywhere and all hope seems to be gone; yet when you turn to God, He is always there.
(Scripture references under construction)

When your health begins to fail and your body is racked with pain; when tiredness reaches to your very bones; yet when you turn to God, He is always there.
(Scripture references under construction)

When you find yourself growing old, all alone because many of your friends have gone away and are no more; yet when you turn to God, He is always there.
(Scripture references under construction)

When at last they lay me down to rest; my final rest; and I have closed my earthly eyes to be opened never more; I will then return to God and I will be always there.
(Scripture references under construction)