Scriptural references for:
Mercy has been extended to us
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©10/08/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
October 08

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

God is the God of everyone and everything; there is nothing that exists that isn't subject to the Power of God; both light and darkness; all are subject to Him.
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By Him all things were created; both in the heavens and the earth; and by Him all things continue to exist, and without Him nothing can exist.
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Brethren, we do not have the choice nor does anyone else have the choice of whether God will reign over us; the only choice we are given by God is how He will rule over us; by the Spirit of Mercy or by the Spirit of Judgment.
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His Right Hand of mercy has been extended to us; if we refuse the Hand of mercy then comes judgment.
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Choose wisely.
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