Scriptural references for:
You will find rest for your souls
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©10/17/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
October 17

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Come! Ye that have been cleansed and made white by the Blood of the Lamb of God, Come!
(Scripture references under construction)

Ye that minister before My throne night and day and are filled to overflowing with My Love, Come!
(Scripture references under construction)

All ye that suffer for My Name sake, Come!
(Scripture references under construction)

Gather around Me, taste of the Heavenly Manna and drink of the River of Life, Come!
(Scripture references under construction)

All Ye who are heavy laden and burdened down ministering to the needs of others, Come!
(Scripture references under construction)

You will find rest for your souls, a place of refreshing, a renewal of your spirit, Come!
(Scripture references under construction)