Scriptural references for:
Place your whole confidence in Jesus Christ
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in the Lexington Hamline area
of Saint Paul Minnesota
©10/24/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
October 24

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Place your whole confidence in Jesus Christ and not in yourself or your own abilities.
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Sooner or later you and your own abilities will fail you; but Jesus never fails.
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Our own resources are limited; but God has unlimited resources.
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Jesus had been given all authority in Heaven and the earth; all powers, both of light and of darkness, must obey his voice.
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If he said to the mountain, move, the mountain would move.
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When he said to the evil spirits, Go; the evil spirits obeyed his voice and left the victim of their oppression.
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Brethren, whatsoever Jesus says; it shall be done.
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Therefore the words of Jesus have the power to overcome the world and they will never pass away. Amen.
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