Scriptural references for:
A wise man discovers the truth
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©10/26/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
October 26

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Et sic de similibus references:

Leave no stone unturned in your search for the truth and never assume you understand anything before you have studied it.
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Attempting to change other people's viewpoints to agree with your own point of view of the world may appear to be noble; but in reality it isn't noble at all.
(Scripture references under construction)

A wise man seeks to change his own ideas to agree with the truth; but a foolish man attempts to change the truth to agree with his own ideas.
(Scripture references under construction)

A wise man waits until he has fully examined the facts before he draws any conclusions; a foolish man jumps to a conclusion before he has examined the facts and refuses to accept any facts that may disagree with it.
(Scripture references under construction)

A wise man discovers the truth; a foolish man never will.
(Scripture references under construction)