Scriptural references for:
The purifying fire of His grace
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©09/21/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
September 21

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Great is the Lord and worthy of praise is He; for He has purged our lives from sin and has made us clean and holy preparing us for His Kingdom by refining us in the purifying fire of His grace.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, submit yourselves unto the Heavenly Father and hold back nothing; but give unto Him your all and all that He might find the offering of your life upon the alter of sacrifice acceptable and send His purifying fire from Heaven to consume the offering of your whole life; thereby making you pure and holy.
(Scripture references under construction)

When the flame of fire of His Grace has thoroughly purged and burned away the chaff of your life, sin, then and only then can you enter into the Presence of God the Father.
(Scripture references under construction)