Scriptural references for:
To him who believes, all things are possible
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©04/13/2002 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:
April 13

Verbatim references:

Et sic de similibus references:

To him who believes, all things are possible and to him who believes not, nothing is possible.
(Scripture references under construction)

To him who believes that God is real, God will be real and will reveal Himself to him.
(Scripture references under construction)

To him who does not believe that God exists; God will hide Himself from him and it will appear to him that God doesn't exist.
(Scripture references under construction)

Jesus said, As thou hast believed, so be it done to thee. (Matthew 5:13)
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Brethren, it is not God who is withholding from you; it is you by your own lack of believing that causes the things of Heaven's Glory to be withheld from you.
(Scripture references under construction)

You receive not because you ask not and you ask not because you do not believe.
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If you truly believed that God would answer your prayer you would ask.
(Scripture references under construction)

But because you believe not, you ask not.
(Scripture references under construction)

Because you ask not, you receive not.
(Scripture references under construction)

Ask and you shall receive.
(Scripture references under construction)